Monday, March 25, 2013

i'm tired.

I may not be good at
But oh man, am I good at
Messing things up &
Leaving when things get too hard

I have forgotten everything but you.

i don't love you. but i c a r r y y o u r h e a r t w i t h m e. I suppose that means I hate you, because there was never such a thing as halfway with you. "Maybe" isn't in your vocabulary, and because I structure my whole life around that world alone, I have forgotten you. I have forgotten how you sculpted words that meant absolutely nothing into beauty and I have forgotten the mistake you transcribed in sharpie. I have forgotten your abnormally clean shoes and your phone that always seemed to die when you needed it. I have forgotten the way you used to say to me "I miss you to death right now" as if the absence of me took the air right out of your lungs. I have forgotten the dried flowers buried beneath the months in my closet. I have forgotten the lake, the love notes just because, and entire summers. I have forgotten everything. Everything but you.

i carry your heart with me - e.e. cummings

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Things they dont teach you in school;
•The beauty of existing
•how to buy a house
•How to keep a relationship
•The wonder of the earth

Things they teach you in school;
•Who is better
•Who is worse
• y=mx+b
•They show you what they need in order for their system to survive

they do not show you love

how y o u make me f e e l

Actually, when I first met
you I fell in love with
the ghost of words
That would hang between us
waiting until we got together
I fell in love with all the pages
I wanted to fill about you
and they werent even written yet
And no, I didn't know you
But I know you now
I never thought I'd find that
coming up with the words
Would be impossible
the words arent made yet or
I need to create a new dictionary
how y o u make me f e e l